24th January – Time Restricted Eating
⏰What is time-restricted eating (TRE)? Time restricted eating means eating only between certain times of the day, which is your “eating window”. There are lots of similarities with Intermittent Fasting, and the two terms are often used synonymously.
How does it work? The physiology of eating is very complex, but in very simple terms our body is either in a “fed” state, where food is coming in, insulin levels are high, and excess energy coming in is stored. Or a “fasted” state, where the body uses previously stored energy to run. By having healthy balance between the ‘fed’ and ‘fasted’ states, our metabolism works more efficiently and healthily.
TRE has been shown to have significant benefits, including:
⭐️Weight management & weight loss
⭐️Improved blood sugar regulation
⭐️Improved insulin sensitivity
⭐️Improvement in cardiovascular disease risk factors such as reduced blood pressure and reduced cholesterol levels
⭐️Reduced inflammatory markers.
How do you do it? Simple! 👉Pick an ‘eating window’ which suits you. The length of the eating window can vary, but there is evidence the restricting the times of day when you eat to a 10h or 12h window (for example 7am-7pm, therefore fasting from 7pm-7am the next morning) can be enough to give benefits to your metabolism.
📚The evidence for TRE is growing all the time, one of the best explanations in more detail that I have heard is on the plant proof podcast, which you can find at:
💻 https://plantproof.com/when-we-eat-matters-how-time-restricted-feeding-helps-nurture-our-circadian-rhythms-with-emily-manoogian-phd/
One of the best things about TRE is that’s it’s such a simple, easy thing to try, and it’s side-effect free. If you’re unsure, try starting with a 12hours window and see how you feel.