13th January – avoid refined sugars
Avoid refined sugars
Anyone else still got piles of Christmas treats lurking at home?🍫🍫🍫
As I said right at the beginning of the month, I hate diets – as soon as you tell me I “can’t” have something, that’s the one thing that I really want. So, how can I reduce refined sugar intake without turning it into a huge mental battle?
Other people have told me that planning a treat into their meal plans works for them.
But when I have tried rationing myself previously, I find it incredibly difficult with sweets and chocolates to limit myself to “just one” or “just a couple”… once I start nibbling, i just can’t stop.
So, I have to choose a tactic that works for me. For sweets and chocolates and other refined sugars it is a complete no at the momentđźš«. I am giving my system a temporary break for my #30daysofhealthyliving January.
And actually, what I find when I don’t have refined sugar at all, is that I don’t miss it, I stop getting the cravings that I get when I have the occasional treat. I feel better overall and my energy levels are more stable.
There is sound underlying science to why this is making me feel better. Reducing refined sugars, and replacing it with whole plant-based food results in âś…improved stability of blood sugar levels, âś…healthier gut microbiome and many other benefits.
The key is to find a way to reduce your sugar levels that works for you – share your success tactics for reducing your sugar intake below👇👇👇