There is no perfect time to start making changes
Lots of healthy or positive changes sound like a good idea, but when it actually comes to making a change and taking action, it’s not always that easy, is it?
However, usually it IS easy to find are reasons to NOT do things, this is because our brains are instinctively programmed to stick to our familiar, safe, usual routine. Our minds will always give us reasons to not do things…
I can’t do that because…
“… I don’t have time”
“…I’m too busy”
“…I don’t have the right kit”
“…I’m not fit enough”
“…I’m not strong enough”
“…I need to lose weight first…”
“… I’m not good at that”
“…it’s not the right time”
“…it’ll be better when…”
“…Christmas is coming, I’ll start when that’s out of the way”
We tell ourselves these stories over and over, so it sounds like fact. But actually these thoughts are just that, a story or a thought that we tell ourselves.
We can challenge these thoughts, and from there, then see if we can work out what is possible.
Yes, we might be busy, Christmas is coming, but is still possible to make some small positive changes. It might not be the perfect time, but let’s be realistic and work with what we’ve got in this moment.
So, whatever it is that you want to change, whether it is a different food choice, a new activity, a new healthy habit, a new project – don’t put it off, make a start today. For me, I’ve been telling myself for years that I’m too busy to take on a new project or to do something different, but recently I’ve decided that it doesn’t matter how busy I am, I’m going to give it a go and do it anyway. It doesn’t have to be the perfect time, I just have to start somewhere.